Thursday, November 26, 2015

To Pecan Pie

J[Tom's pecan pies are legendary. I'm pretty sure he's not allowed in the door at Thanksgiving without them. We love him, but there are limits.]

There a three kinds of pie I love: cold, room temp, and warm. The best of them all is pecan. But not just any pecan - it's the Prudhomme family recipe for roasted pecan butter pie. It's such a small difference in a traditional pecan pie recipe but what a difference it makes. 

A cup of pecans are roasted until dark brown or almost black. Then place into a food processor and turn it on until they turn into pecan butter. The other slight variation is using dark Karo syrup. 

It looks and tastes like it has chocolate or liquor in it but if you let your mouth enjoy it - which is not easy - you can detect that smokey flavor of the pecans and dark Karo. 

Chantilly cream on top (whipped cream with Gran Marnier and brandy) adds to the experience. If you ask my mom, she would say I don't even have to make the pie, just the cream.

I have never varied this recipe since I first made it - it's perfection. And if I have a choice for a last meal before I die - this is what I am having for dessert.

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