Other things I look for, but only once. A sock from the dryer. A recipe for banana bread. That reason I had for not calling back. These are small glitches in the day. No one notices unmatched socks. And all banana bread is basically the same. You didn’t want to talk to me anyway, which is why you called late and left a message. I have not forgotten the sound of your voice. The pause, always, after, “Ok. Well....” I think about calling back. I forget, for a moment, why I don’t.

The real losses I feel every day. I drink my coffee and know they are gone. I take a shower and know. I lecture about rhetorical strategies and ethos and they are underneath everything I say.
One loss is the weight of my son in my arms.
Another is how often I say his name.
In the months after he died, I used to dream he died. A third loss is the dreams.
And the fourth is the waking up from the dreams.
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