Monday, January 11, 2016

To Naps

3 PM. You didn’t sleep well last night and though the morning went smoothly, it’s catching up with you. You’re trying to stay upright, but every 10 minutes you slip a little lower in your chair, lean a little more on the desk.

When you were young, your parents would pick you up and put you into bed. You’d lie there, stuffed animals all around you, until you couldn't stand it anymore and then call out and call out and call out. No more naps! No quiet time! Let me out!

These days, what would you give for someone to insist that you stop whatever you are doing and lie down? Turn the lights down and fluff up the pillow. You have to stay there for at least 30 minutes and no one wants to hear a peep. No one. Not one peep.

When you wake up, you know you have a few hours of work left in the day. But the room is a little brighter. The work a little lighter. 

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