Thursday, January 21, 2016

To Wishing Days

When my son was little, two and three years old, there was no such thing as a “quick stop” at a store. He wasn’t difficult, he was a toddler. And he had the toddler impulses and questions.
    “What is this?” 
    “Can I have one of these?” 
    “Can I get this?”

My trick became “Wishing Days.” Before we went into the store, I would explain that today was a wishing day, not a buying day. We would only get what we came for but he could wish for as much as he wanted.

He’d walk up to the Optimus Prime t-shirt, place his hand on it, and squeeze his eyes and wish for it. If we walked past the toys he’d wish for the dinosaurs. When we stood in the checkout line by ALL THE CANDY, I would watch him wish for each and every one.
Walking out, it was as if he had bought the whole store. Maybe he thought, at least for now, he was willing these things to appear in his room one morning, or in a package from a grandparents in a far away state. He had done his part to make it happen. He had made his wish.

It is the first step. To wish. To envision a place for this in your life. Put your hand out, and if you can, touch it. 

But walk away without it. Wait to see what happens with the wish.

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