Thursday, July 30, 2015

To Men Who Wear Make-Up, Not for Theatrical Purposes

The truth is, you look like shit, right?

You wake-up after a night of night sleeping and your worst face stares back at you. Those circles? Those little lines? An ill-placed pimple? You feel it, too. Admit it. You’re 46 but you’re thinking you look older. And you’re not ready to go there.

Not today. Not with the Henderson presentation at 3:00, by which time you will look even worse. These things don’t get better as the day goes on. Not with all the talk of “change” and “progress,” which you know means one thing--your job is on the line.

Do it. A little moisturizer, a little extra around the eyes. Let that sink in. You admit, just barely and only to yourself, that you like the way it feels. You begin to know your face in a whole new way. One eye is a little bigger than the other. But damn, that dimple is hot. Let’s work with that.

Lean in. Take a closer look. Look at those eyebrows, the little grey ones. Your cheeks need a little something. Look closer. How big are those pores? What do you do about that?

Embrace this. Spend the extra 20 minutes every morning, now that people think this is what you’re supposed to look like. You look so healthy. Maybe your son catches you one morning and you turn and take a brush to his face. Just a dab. Just for fun. 

But 7 years later, he’s stealing your concealer, complaining that you always buy the wrong eyeliner. He will save his money for just the right blush.

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