Friday, December 25, 2015

To The List Game

Give me your top 5 reasons you like to play the list game, the game where you rank everything under time pressure and without much thought. The list has to come from the heart or it’s meaningless.

Top 5 American novels. Top 5 romcoms. Top 5 places to spend a long weekend.

You have to reveal something of yourself in these lists. You have to giveaway a secret you didn't know you had.

Top 5 Beatles albums. Top 5 Michael Jackson songs. Top 5 concerts you've ever seen. Top 5 concerts you want to see given by any and or musician, dead or alive.

Numbers 1 and 2 are easy. You don't even have to think about them. But when you get to 3, you have to start making decisions. Was it Springsteen in ‘87? Or was it that singer you didn't expect in that dive bar in Indiana? Springsteen was good, but he's always good. That night, the Indiana woman sounded like your past stayed up all night writing all the songs about you and then gave them to her, and she sang them like her own. She haunts you still.

Top 5 restaurant meals you've ever had. Top 5 ice cream flavors. Top 5 things you'd have at your last dinner. Top 5 people you'd have at that dinner.

Sometimes you start the list but you just can't finish it. Not that finishing it is too hard, but it means admitting what you've been denying. It means naming what you want to remain unnamed, waking up from the dream.

Top 5 regrets.

Top 5 do-overs.

Top 5 wishes you'd make if I had the power to grant them.

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