Monday, December 21, 2015

To Winter Solstice In The Northern Hemisphere

Today, I say I’ve made it. For months I have been watching the sun go down earlier and earlier, the light fading in the living room sooner and sooner. It's like eating a bowl of soup and then having to tilt the bowl and scrape the spoon against the side of the bowl. And then getting out a piece of bread, trying to get every last bit of broth out of the bowl.
Today is the last day. The sun sets at 4:56 PM. And then, slowly, the bowl fills again. The light rises more and more. Every day in January just a little longer than the one before; even in the  brutal February evenings, with their negative wind chills and icy sidewalks, the day lengthens.

Today is when it all turns around. The earth swings back. The mood shifts. We all lean a little closer toward the sun.

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