Tuesday, September 1, 2015

To Letters of Recommendations

Dear Organization to Whom My Recommendee is Applying for [Insert Position, Title, Opportunity Here],
I am writing to [highly] recommend [Mr.] [Ms.] [_____] for participation in/employment with/award from your organization. I’ve known the applicant for [#] of [days/weeks/months/years]. I believe this person is an outstanding candidate.

First, [he/she] always came to class. Except for the time the car broke down. And then an aunt had a heart problem and apparently they are a very close family because they all stayed at the hospital around the clock. For six days. Without wifi. If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is.

Second, [she/he] is a true artist who does not cave quickly to thoughtless critics, for example peers. I’m sure you will agree that an artist should never compromise a vision, not for an algebra teacher or a writing teacher or a history teacher. Truly creative people allow full expression of their imaginations, regardless of the content (say, quadratic equations). I hope your organization is enlightened enough to value this and will not overburden this true talent with unnecessary restrictions like bulleted job descriptions or required work hours.

I would not recommend this candidate for just any [position/award/opportunity]. I have researched your organization fully. Your frequent use of the phrase “game changer” (as opposed to the antiquated phrase “paradigm shift”) must indicate a cutting-edginess, a willingness to mix it up a little. And you don’t call your staff employees; they are “pressurized contract renewal specialists.” You have an “open office culture” with a “focus on fun” “just like a family.”

I’m quite sure I’ve provided the requisite amount of vaguery here. Please just talk to this person. I know you’re busy and you need me to help you filter through all the noise. But I fear I am only adding to it. Do you ever read a bad recommendation? Is the candidate ever less than good?
Please don’t call if you have any questions. My dog needs a walk.  The car doesn’t start and the yard needs to be raked. I have a new book.

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