Wednesday, September 9, 2015

To My Brand Identity

I’m coming up on 50, so I guess I’d better start giving you some thought. The 20-somethings already have you well established. Even my college freshmen start the school year with you well in place.

You should be bold, yet subtle. You should be timeless, yet contemporary. You should be flexible, yet highly structured. You should be warm, but not cozy. Expansive, yet concentrated. Focused enough to reveal detail, yet general enough to be inclusive.

You should evoke a positive urgency, not “I have to,” but “I get to.” You should be a quick read and a fast study. You should be grounded in the actual ground, smelling of well-wormed earth after rain. You should be Saturday at 11 AM. You should be the last cookie in the bakery.

You should enter through the exit door. Go 82 miles per hour in a 70 zone. You should wash your dry cleaning because it’s not really “dry” anyway. You should cross in the middle of the street. You should fill your glass to the very top.You will look directly into the sun for three second. 

You don’t have to edge your lawn. 

You don’t have to make your bed. 

You take the scenic route. 

You speak truth to power.

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