Friday, October 23, 2015

To The Fact That in August 2016 it Will Be Legal to Carry Guns on a UT Campus but not Dildos (After “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus)

Photo: Campus (DILDO) Carry
Facebook Group
Not like the brazen sawed-off shotguns of Charles Whitman fame,
shooting first an 18-year old anthropology student 8 months pregnant,
and then another student. And then another from street to street.
Here on our blood-stained, haunted sidewalks shall stand
A mighty woman with a dildo, its batteries
charged for all consenting adults, and her name
Bringer of Orgasms. From her beacon-hand
women, often for the first time, experience the after-glow of climax; her mild eyes command
grassy quads that buildings of higher education frame.
“Keep, open-carry extremists, your twisted violent calls for vigilance,” cries she,
“Give me your grieving, your tortured, your children
huddled in classroom closets yearning to finish their worksheets without being shot,
the locked-down college kids away from home for the first time.
Send these, the suddenly childless, bullet-riddled to me.
I lift my Pearl Rabbit in defiance on the grounds of this university!”

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